EntertainmentLife Style

Man Writes Sex Roster For His 9 ‘Jealous’ Wives

Arthur O. Urso, a Brazilian man who has married nine wives, has stated that he previously developed a sex roster, which he then deleted when it became problematic.

He made headlines when he married nine wives at the same time in an attempt to promote free love and challenge monogamy.

Urso and his first wife, Luana Kazaki, married the eight other ladies in a Catholic church in So Paulo.

The marriage was now complete with the addition of the other eight women.

However, because polygamy is prohibited in Brazil, it is not legally binding.

Urso has recently revealed that he was having trouble balancing the requirements of his multiple spouses, so he devised a sex timetable to ensure that each partner received some love.

However, that didn’t help him balance the needs of each lover and Urso found it to be too stressful and structured.

The model also found difficulty with each wife in bed.

He confessed that he often found himself thinking about his other wives.

He said: “They all want to fulfil my sexuality at any cost, they are happy to make it their goal.

“Our sex life is really fun and pleasurable, and initially I tried to have sex by appointment.

“But following a timetable caused a lot of problems and sometimes I felt like I had to have sex because of the schedule, and not for pleasure.

“On other occasions I had sex with one wife while thinking about another.”

Those issues in the bedroom forced Urso to give up the “sex rota” altogether and now he focuses on letting things “flow naturally”.

He said: “It doesn’t take long to get attention or affection when you have that many wives.

“It didn’t seem right so we got rid of it and now the sex flows naturally, it’s been great.

“It is very fun, pleasurable and unique to experience everything collectively, and they are all very different in bed.

“One of them, I won’t name her to keep her privacy, likes to be dominant and I like a woman who tells me what she wants.”

Urso insisted that his wives do not mind how often each of the wives get to make love to him.

However he does admit that jealousy does creep in occasionally.

He added: “When I have given one of them an expensive gift and another a smaller or cheaper one, there has been jealousy among them.

“They all demand attention, affection and sex to be part of our everyday life, and I can’t do more for one than the other.

“I’m still learning about our relationship.”

However one wife has decided to leave the marriage.

Urso recently revealed that one of them, Agatha, will be leaving.

He previously said: :She wanted to have me all to herself.

“It didn’t make sense – we have to share.

“I was very sad about the separation and even more surprised by her excuse.

“She said that she was missing a monogamous relationship.

“My other wives thought her attitude was wrong and that she accepted the marriage for adventure and not for real feelings.

“I know I’ve lost a wife, but I’m not going to replace her at the moment.”

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