
239 Children Dead Within 7 Months In Borno

No fewer than 239 children have been said to have died from malnutrition in Borno State within the last seven months; January to July, this year.

Deputy Director, Borno State Nutrition Officer, Abdullahi Madi, who made this known during a three-day media dialogue on child malnutrition in Maiduguri, said harmonised data collated from government and partners, also revealed that 3,522 malnutrition deaths was recorded in the state in the last five years.

Madi explained that between January 2017 to July 2021, 3,522 children had died of malnutrition in the state, adding that out of 849, 148 children admitted for Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM), 737, 826 of them were cured of the malnutrition within the five years period.

Although he disclosed that the situation was beginning to witness some significant improvement, he, however, entertained fears that if urgent steps were not undertaken, the situation may be more devastating.

The State Nutrition officer gave further breakdown of the situation reflecting that in 2017, out of the 216, 639 children who were admitted for Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM), 731 children died of malnutrition, 22,547 defaulted in treatment, 4,165 children couldn’t recover from the ailment, while 153,846 children were able to have been cured of the ailment.

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The following year, 2018, the figure of children that suffered SAM rose to 256,639, out of which 654 had died, 13,599 defaulted in treatment, 3,552 children couldn’t recover from malnutrition, while 247, 491 were cured.

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But in 2019, there was a decline in number of cases as 150, 422 suffered SAM in the state 544 children unfortunately died, 1,877 couldn’t recover, 6,399 defaulted in treatment, and 138, 241 were cured.

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