
Edo election: Why Philip Shaibu and Adams Oshiomhole should pass the torch to Asue Ighodalo

By Perpetual Akongwubel

Retirement is an inevitable step in any career, and this principle holds especially true in politics. It’s a time when seasoned leaders gracefully step aside, to make way for the next generation to take up the mantle and lead with fresh perspectives and renewed energy. In Edo State, the political landscape is calling for such a transition. The time has come for Philip Shaibu and Adams Oshiomhole to consider retirement and pass the torch to new leadership, specifically to Asue Ighodalo, the governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

Philip Shaibu, the current Deputy Governor of Edo State, and Adams Oshiomhole, a former Governor and current Senator, have undeniably left their marks on the state’s political history. Their contributions to Edo State cannot be overlooked, and their efforts to shape the state’s development over the years have been significant. However, as with all things in life, there comes a time when even the most seasoned leaders must recognize that their era has ended. It is now time for Shaibu and Oshiomhole to retire from active politics, making room for new leaders like Asue Ighodalo to take Edo State to greater heights.

The argument for fresh leadership is not just about the natural progression of time; it’s about the future of Edo State. The state’s development hinges on the ability of its leaders to innovate, adapt, and bring forth new ideas that resonate with the people’s aspirations. Asue Ighodalo, with his extensive experience in the private sector and a deep understanding of governance, embodies the qualities needed to propel Edo State into a new era of prosperity.

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As a renowned lawyer and an influential figure in Nigeria’s business community, Ighodalo has consistently demonstrated a commitment to excellence, integrity, and service. His vision for Edo State aligns with the needs of the people, a vision rooted in economic development, social justice, and good governance. The citizens of Edo State deserve a leader who can build on the successes of the past while introducing innovative solutions to the challenges that lie ahead.

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Governor Godwin Obaseki, who has been a vocal advocate for balanced representation in the state’s political offices, has rightly pointed out that the next governor should come from Edo Central. The zone has not had its fair share of leadership opportunities compared to Edo North and Edo South. It’s a valid argument for fairness and equity in the state’s governance.

In contrast, Philip Shaibu has shown through his actions that he is more focused on personal ambition than on the collective good of the state. His recent behaviour, marked by insubordination and a blatant disregard for democratic principles, has raised serious concerns about his suitability for leadership. A leader must be selfless, guided by the principles of service, humility, and respect for the rule of law. Unfortunately, Shaibu’s actions have demonstrated a lack of these essential qualities.

Nigerian political history is replete with leaders who overstayed their welcome, often to the detriment of their legacies. Senator Shehu Sani, a vocal advocate for good governance, once said, “Power is transient, and those who cling to it for too long often find themselves on the wrong side of history.” This is a warning that Shaibu and Oshiomhole would do well to heed. The time has come for them to step aside and allow a new generation of leaders to take up the mantle.

Adams Oshiomhole, despite his significant contributions as governor, must also recognize that his time in the spotlight has passed. His leadership was marked by a fiery and combative style that, while effective in certain situations, is not what Edo State needs in its current phase. The state requires a leader who can unite its diverse population, bring about meaningful economic reforms, and address the pressing issues of education, healthcare, and infrastructure. At 72, Oshiomhole’s continued presence in the political arena has the potential to stifle the progress that Edo State so desperately needs.

Moreover, the future of Edo State is not just about political leadership; it’s about harnessing the potential of its people. Asue Ighodalo represents a break from the past and a step towards a brighter future. His candidacy offers Edo State the opportunity to embrace change, to elect a leader who understands the complexities of modern governance and who has the expertise to navigate the state through these challenges.

The people of Edo State deserve more than recycled leadership; they deserve progress, innovation, and a leader who genuinely cares about their welfare. As Senator Ben Murray-Bruce often says, “We must make common sense decisions that prioritize the needs of the people over the egos of politicians.” This statement resonates now more than ever as Edo State stands on the cusp of a pivotal election.

In the end, the decision rests with the voters of Edo State. But as the political discourse heats up, it is crucial for all stakeholders—INEC, security agencies, civil society, and the electorate—to ensure the process is free, fair, and transparent. The allegations of potential election rigging and the divisive rhetoric that has emerged must be thoroughly investigated and addressed. The integrity of the electoral process must be upheld to ensure that the people’s will prevails.

The future of the state is bright with Asue Ighodalo, a leader who embodies the qualities of innovation, integrity, and a genuine commitment to service. It’s time to move Edo State forward, and that journey begins with passing the torch to a new leader who can guide the state to greater heights. Let us embrace this opportunity for change, for the sake of our future and the future of Edo State.

Perpetual Akongwubel is a professional writer based in Houston, Texas.

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